Thursday, July 22, 2010


bengangnye hari tu trjatuh dkat kantin, nsib tkde rmai orang kt kantin. benci alas meja.
sakitt bole takk?
second, last wednesday i and my friend play the game truth or dare. such a funny game.
my turn, i choose dare, so i have to said i love you wo ai ni dkat DIAN JIE. then, i came to his table. i was laughing and he was sleeping. lepas tu, qira tunduk nak tngok die. after that die bngun. fuhh trkjut gile and kpale trhantuk kt meja. sakit gilee. smpi benjol mehh. smpi hari ni msih ade bekas dkt dahi ni. dian jie, i will remember this, u make my forehead become BENJOL!


i dont know what has happen to me this few day. last week i feel so bored and i feel lazy to go to school. apa yang qira buat semua macam tkde mood je. duduk pon sorg sorang. malas nak brgaul. sometimes i feel that my friend is not suitable for me, i feel kinda bored with them and they hurt my feeling. tapi ape bole buat sabar je laa. err. i love u friend. but not all, only a few of them. :(