Tuesday, November 30, 2010


faboulous hairpinky pinky bling bling


assalamualaikum!hello peeps, how are you? harap you all okayy.
hari ni bangun awal, ehemm good girl ny, hee, tlong mama kt dapur :)
hari ni my activite quite boring. watch tv eat blog-ing tumblr-ing.
hari ni asyik gado dgn si kecik tu je, mulut mcm grandamaa LOL
bising, bingit and so on. nak tengok playful kiss tapi DVD rosak, err geram je,
papa change new one haa. hehe. hari ni da 301110 fuhh cepat sehh,
ahhh tak nak 2011, i cant imagine what will happen to me. nak smbung we got married la
byebye :P

Monday, November 29, 2010

my partner

im proud to be your girlfriend, so proud :)
i hope you are that teddy bear that keep accompany me

kim hyun joong

come to malaysia this saturday :) but at pavilion, arghh why not jb. muahaha

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

agree this!

totally agree with this

today is reality

wakeup in the morning at 9.20a.m.mama ckp anak dare tak baik bngun lambat taww.
pagi pagi je da huru hara sbb kene bebel,hm tapi takpelaa, da biase dahh, normal la tu kan.
kalau tak kene bebel tu tak best ahh :P
after refresh(ehemm fhm fhm) termenung la pulakk.
1.what is my activity today?
2.continue my aim ehem nak kurus ahh
3.how to make money? ehehe $$$
thats all,to be continues...jeng jeng jeng! muahhxx!

Friday, November 26, 2010

jimmy choo

i want this mama muahxx

pink pink pink

imagine my hair like this woowww dying sehh


makcik nabihoo
rindu kau la macekk
bukan nye nk text ke ape ke
hmm maklumla dia kn sibuk dgn superman die argh (menyampah sehh) :P
sayang kau nabihoo jom hang out wehh!

sungkyunkwan scandal

disebabkan dah tak tahu nk buat ape
so, its time for korean drama. ahhaa :D
finish it in two days, second drama after PLAYFUL KISS!


the store, woww soo, so,
like princess room. totally in love
with it


okayy, girl thing
n moreee!


rase mcm da lame tak update blog ni, maklum la smnjk bbrape hari ni err tak betul sikit,
haaa,bosannye cuti sekola ni, everyday do the same think, asyik replay replay, rewind n rewind.
arghh, please. tak tahan, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! okay qira think normal :P bluekkk!

Friday, August 13, 2010


dear friend,
thanks for make my day so errr. bad. thank you so much
i realise who i am, not important person in you everyday life,
i can hear you problem, and try to understand your problem
but wont YOU?
i try to understand YOU, keep accompany YOU
i try to help YOU when YOU in trouble,
but why YOU always leave me behind
its like, i am invisible
now i realise who should i trust, who should i be with,
who need a friend like me,
to YOU! realise who you are, think about other feeling.
dont be SELLFISH! sorry to everyone.
maaf kalau terase :(


emmm. sedapnye. makanan berbuka :)


Fajar ramadhan datang menjelang,
Mengajak kita meraih keampunan,
Mohon bukakan pintu kemaafan,
Untuk segala khilaf dan kesalahan,
selamat tunaikan puasa dengan segenap keikhlasan,
Semoga tuhan limpahkan cinta dan keberkahan,
Segala kebaikan dan ketulusan yang kau berikan padaku,
Semoga Tuhan terima ibadah puasa yang akan kita lakukan,
Serta kabulkan doa yang kita lantunkan agar ramadhan selalu tingkatkan ketakwaan dan kearifan.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you youyou you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you youyou you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you youyou you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you youyou you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you youyou you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you youyou you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you youyou you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you youyou you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you

TO: B)

to them!

Will you laugh when I laugh,
And cry when I cry?
Will you let me rant and rave,
When I need to let off steam?

Will you discuss those painful things,
That you'd rather not think about?
Like the times we've hurt each other,
And promised would never do so again?

Will you say the right thing,
When all I've heard is the wrong?
And tell me soothing words,
That make the pain I feel subside?

If you'll do these things for me,
And keep smiling all the way.
If you'll be with me through the bad times,
As well as the good.

Then truly you are my friend,
My pal, my mate and my confidante.
And that means so much to me.
I thank you dearly, for being there,
You, My Friend.

lovely day!

Wake me gently, My sunshine
Just like princess in the fairly tales, I will close my eyes and wait
When I open my eyes, please stay by my side, love shot
Just like prince in the fairly tales, look and smile at me
Even I do not know that, in my eyes there’s only you
And don’t know that my heart is throbbing, the sound of my heart beats

I wanna love you I wanna with you
Can you feel it, my feeling
Come to me, come a little bit closer and take my heart away
Everyday lovely day everyday I will whispering to you again
Sweeter than candy, I will give my love to you

Reading the magic spells syal la la
Your smile appeared like the warm sunshine
My heart is throbbing again
Now said to me

I wanna love you I wanna with you
Can you feel it, my feeling
Come to me, come a little bit closer and take my heart away
Everyday lovely day everyday I will whispering to you again
Sweeter than candy, I will give my love to you

Wanna love you wanna with you
I will hug you tight. lovely day please try to feel my heart
Together forever
lalalala lalalala everyday I will bring only happiness
Sweeter than candy I will give my love to you


what happen to our frienship baby? to: fatin.qila.irdina.fateha.shuhada.azrin.aisha.


this exam was so bad. my result is not good especially math, nyaris nak fail. naseb dpt tmbah satu mrkah, klu tak. err, fail bole. i wish next exam i've got a better result.

fatin! ryeowook

takdela handsome sangat.
my nickhun lagi handsome!


chocolate is the best thing that can make me happy when im angry

Thursday, July 22, 2010


bengangnye hari tu trjatuh dkat kantin, nsib tkde rmai orang kt kantin. benci alas meja.
sakitt bole takk?
second, last wednesday i and my friend play the game truth or dare. such a funny game.
my turn, i choose dare, so i have to said i love you wo ai ni dkat DIAN JIE. then, i came to his table. i was laughing and he was sleeping. lepas tu, qira tunduk nak tngok die. after that die bngun. fuhh trkjut gile and kpale trhantuk kt meja. sakit gilee. smpi benjol mehh. smpi hari ni msih ade bekas dkt dahi ni. dian jie, i will remember this, u make my forehead become BENJOL!


i dont know what has happen to me this few day. last week i feel so bored and i feel lazy to go to school. apa yang qira buat semua macam tkde mood je. duduk pon sorg sorang. malas nak brgaul. sometimes i feel that my friend is not suitable for me, i feel kinda bored with them and they hurt my feeling. tapi ape bole buat sabar je laa. err. i love u friend. but not all, only a few of them. :(

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


to asyif thank you for the chocolate okayy
i appreciate it, i will give u something later okayy

Thursday, June 10, 2010





060610. this day was the best okayy
our family gathered, and i see all my 50 cousin.
i guess? hehe. but something bad happen uwaa
pak cik DJ i hate you so much.
sedap molot je nak kritik org, diri sendiri macam ape
erggghhh!takot nak cite maluuu!
err geram. kau buat aku nangis hari tu.
semua org ingat sbb qira kena suruh dgn papa psl videocam
tapi tak,pak cik ni yang bersalah. u make my beautiful day become bad okayy
ishh geram sesangat
ni ni, nak ucap selamat pengantin baru kak ikin dan abg azizi
moge kekal ke ank cucu yaa
to all my cosin we meet again at melaka
i love you cousin muahmuah

Monday, May 17, 2010

subject in my daily life

Bahasa melayu

Macam biase, takdela best sngt takdela bosan sesangat.

Teacher FARANIZA jgnla suruh kiteorang tulis bnyk bnyk time tatabahasa.

Tired lah teacher ink pen cepat habes. Hehe!

Bahasa inggeris

GOODBYE MISS LIM this Friday is your last day with us.

I like you, I love u plus plus. Hope we miss jowey tak lupe kiteorang.

WELCOME BACK MISS ELY, err oral. Teacher jgn ajar bosan bosan ahh.

Tetito nanti.


Entah ape tah yang cikgu suhaimi tu ajar tak faham lngsung, dah la ajar express, kelas DM tak smpi lagi volume 2, kiteorg da trlbih lbih lepas tu tak faham ape ape pon yang ckgu ajar. Slow down la cikgu, laju sngt smpai ting tong. Dah la math susah. Grrrr!

Agama islam

My favourite subject ever ahaa, suke ustaz ABDUL RAHMAN ajar AG. Siap bole tido lagi kat kelas die. Ustaz tak marah pon, kan ustaz sporting gitu. Ustaz fav word ADA AKU KESAH hehe, suke word tu. Do the best yaa ustaz.


Oh no! this subject make me faint. Ayoyoyo tak tahan dgn ckgu rashidah. Actually qira tak suke sc, bosan sesangat, lagi lagi lagi ckgu rashidah ajar ape la bosan betol. Selalu tetito kat kelas die. Patotlah markah sc pon terokk. Tapi tapi kan qira lah orang yang paling bersemangat nak buat experiment. Best best!


happy teachers to all mokha's teacher.
especially for MISS LIM i love you teacher
dont forget us in 2PEARL! mmmuuuuaaahhh!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


My favourite girl forever and ever and so ever

Their name:

Fatin nabiha asmi

Fatihah amir hatib

Siti aqilah ibrahim

Aisha emelia hamdi

To IRDINA,AZRIN,SHUHADA jgn terasa aww. Ni for my girl since qira primary school. Sorry my darling.

All happy go lucky girl are part of my life since im 9 years old. Kecik lagi mase tu but except for FATIN NABIHA because she is my friends since we 7 years old. diorang ni pelik sikit sebab KETAWA tak habes habes, yang tak kelakar sngt pon ketawa smpi sakit

Perot :D FATIN NABIHA ni seorang yang paling aktif bercakap, die sngt suka bercakap,smpai hari tu geografi die kene tukar tmpat lain daripada tempat kiteorang sebab molot die yang tak pandai nak senyap even seminit pon. Tapi kan sebab die la kiteorang tak bosan, tak rase macam nak tido lagi lagi time sc, fuhh favourite subject lah


you are my bestfriend since we are baby dont forget me, jom fighting this mid year exam babes!

Saturday, May 15, 2010






Hello hello hello! This is the first blog that I do in my life. ;D ENGLISH TERABOR AHH. Qira nak cerita ni, emm. I miss my old princess or my bestie NAD INDA FIE.

Last year 2009, our relationship was awesome but now everything change. Dulu hubungan kite orang bagai isi dengan kuku, gile rapat ahh, gadoh pon tak pernah, agaknya lah! Inda inda inda, ingat tak ape yang aku ajar kat kau smpi kau jadi diri kau yang sekarang, don’t know la kau appreciate ke tak, I know sekarang kau maket, opps famous kot! Tapi aku nak kau ingat balik ape yang kau cakap kat aku last day CERMIN MUKE KAU DULU ingat tak? Hope kau flashback balek mind kau tu ehh! I think bukan aku sorang je yang patot cermin muka but aku rase KITE patot cermin muke, lihat diri kita sendiri, jangan suke suke nak nasihatkan org kalau diri sendiri bukan pada jalan yang betol okay okay? Fair and square lah ye. Im sorry kalau my word saketkan hati kau, aku tak ade niat nak saketkan kau, kite same same sedar la ye. Walau kau hate aku sesangat sampai nak bunuh aku ke kan, aku nak kau tahu yang aku still sayang kau and sometimes I care about you babe!